Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

VGA (Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)


Pada kesempatan ini saya akan memposting  tugas dari pelajaran sorfskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2. Yang dimana tulisan ini tentang bagian dari komputer yang dijelaskan dengan menggunakan bahas inggris. langsung saja berikut adalah penjelasannya.

Video Graphics Array (VGA) refers specifically to the display hardware first introduced with the IBM PS/2 line of computers in 1987,[1] but through its widespread adoption has also come to mean either an analog computer display standard, the 15-pin D-subminiature VGA connector or the 640x480 resolution itself.

VGA was the last IBM graphics standard to which the majority of PC clone manufacturers conformed, making it the lowest common denominator that virtually all post-1990 PC graphics hardware can be expected to implement. It was officially followed by IBM's Extended Graphics Array (XGA) standard, but was effectively superseded by numerous slightly different extensions to VGA made by clone manufacturers, collectively known as Super VGA.

Today, the VGA analog interface is used for high definition video, including resolutions of 1080p and higher. While the transmission bandwidth of VGA is high enough to support even higher resolution playback, there can be picture quality degradation depending on cable quality and length. How discernible this degradation is depends on the individual's eyesight and the display, though it is more noticeable when switching to and from digital inputs like HDMI or DVI.

Mungkin sampai sini saja tulisan yang dapat saya tuang, untuk kekurangannya saya mohon maaf.


Sumber :

Senin, 25 April 2016



Pada kesempatan ini saya akan memposting suatu tulisan yang berisi mencari kata-kata Subject, Verb, Complement, dan Modifier pada suatu artikel. untuk memenuhi syarat tugas bahasa inggris dua. langsung saja berikut tulisannya.

Secretary Kerry to revisit Vietnam War before Obama trip
Paul J. Weber | Associated Press | Austin, Texas, US 
Posted: Mon, April 25 2016 | 06:03 pm

Before joining President Barack Obama on his first trip to Vietnam next month, Secretary of State John Kerry will take a day to reflect on his long and complicated history with the Asian country, first as a soldier and later as a war protester and statesman.
Kerry, who will accompany Obama in May when he becomes the third consecutive US president to visit Vietnam, is headlining a gathering this week of big names assembled to again revisit the Vietnam War at the presidential library of Lyndon B. Johnson in Austin. The summit begins Tuesday and ends just before the 41st anniversary of the fall of Saigon, on April 30.
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns and news anchor Dan Rather will also attend. Kerry, who fought with distinction in Vietnam before returning home to protest the war, is scheduled to sit down with Burns, who has been filming a 10-part series about the conflict.
"Vietnam is very personal for John Kerry," said Mark Updegrove, director of the LBJ library. "I can't imagine that he won't use this opportunity to talk about his experience not only on both sides of the war, over four decades ago, but also as secretary of state in forging better relations with the very country that he went to war" against.
The event comes a year after the LBJ library brought four of the five living US presidents — all but George H.W. Bush — to Austin to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, which Johnson championed.
Updegrove said that Kissinger, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for negotiating the American military withdrawal from Vietnam, has asked for a candid discussion. Kissinger, now 92, has long had detractors who considered him a war criminal for US actions that included bombings in Cambodia that killed scores of civilians.
Other panelists include former US Sen. Bob Kerrey and former Naval commander William McRaven, the former head of US Special Operations Command who directed the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden. Reporter Peter Arnett and photojournalist Nick Ut, who covered the war for The Associated Press, will also discuss the impact that news coverage had on the war.

Keterangan :
Hijau : Subject
Biru : Verb
Ungu : Complement
Merah : Modifier

Mungkin hanya ini yang dapat saya sampaikan. lebih dan kurangnya saya mohon maaf.


Rabu, 30 Maret 2016



Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan memuat tulisan tugas bahasa inggris tentang pandangan saya peribadi dari tempat rekreasi tersebut dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris. semoga apa yang saya tuangkan ini bisa menjadi referensi bagi kalian yang mau refreshing ya. ini pengalaman saya sendiri dengan si dia, jadi semoga apa yangsaya katakan ini benar adanya. langsung saja ya.

“Ragunan Zoo”
Ragunan is recreation/Zoo that is precisely to calm myself after a lot of problems that come up. By looking at the behaviour of the animals that the nature is so, create a feeling of being calm and happy again.
Ragunan also can be a place to take the science or learning about the animals anything that exists in the world and get to know various properties of animals and how to handle when we find around the us.It can be a play area for children who are happy with the animals.Can see how the daily conducted the animals in live their lives and observe ways to survive the animals like what.
Ragunan is a cosy place for lovers of animals and nature in order to find out the types of animals that are already steps to found again.There are many culinary-cuisine that can be sampled and also for lovers of traditional foods. And can try to feed the animal in place.
Have a nice and natural scenery such as are in the middle of the forest. And have some fresh air away from smoke of vehicles, so oxygen owned more healthy for our bodies.
Be a good recommendation to introduce to people outside who want to feel the fresh air in the midst of urban polluting solids and jakarta. So it can be useful for people who want to breathe fresh air.

mungkin sampai disini tulisan yang dapat saya tuangkan, lebih dan kurangnya saya mohon maaf.


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